Using Artificial Intelligence to unveil HCPs emotional challenges in the COVID-19 era
Imagine that you need to run a large scale quant project on the impact of COVID-19 in the medical profession and specifically on doctors´ emotions.
You would like to field as quickly as possible and you are in the middle of the pandemic.
You do not have time for traditional qual research but you want to make sure that your future quant survey will not be losing any relevant angle.
What can you you do? What if you use a moderator that can chat with over 80 doctors in 5 days?
Well, that is exactly what we did. We reached doctors with our Latin American Physician panel and have them chat with CRIS, the virtual moderator created by the Canadian company Delvinia and in a matter of days we got the insights we needed!
The most surprising thing was that our AI CRIS pal helped us to unveil some emotional dimensions such as the hard time Brazilian doctors have in calming their patients’ anxieties around the pandemic or the different kind of fears they are experiencing.
We thank CRIS and “his” (or “her”?) colleagues at Delvinia for making this project feasible.
You can download the qual data that CRIS helped to unveil and also the full quant report here!