SUMMARY. FINE Panel is the premier community in the region, for digital healthcare research.

It currently has almost 100,000 registered professionals, from 20 different LATAM countries.

Roughly 10% of the physicians in Latin America have participated in a FINE project.

The medical panel is profiled into 58 different specialties, and also provides access to other healthcare targets:

• Patients
• Hospital managers
• Nurses
• Dentists
• Opticians
• Pharmacists
• Lab staff
• Veterinarians

Physicians are verified against medical registration records, and typically paid via bank accounts under their names. This validates their identities and true medical professions.

Respondents are rewarded with money and also with non-monetary incentives that create engagement, such as access to evidence-based medical content, as well as opportunities to support humanitarian causes.

Those actively managed resources are coupled with automated intelligence features:

• Pharmacovigilance tasks
• Real time alerts
• Digital fingerprinting
• Active blacklisting
• Geolocation flagging
• GDPR compliant portal


Our qualitative team does not only reach all kinds of HCP professionals, but also patients and hard to reach segments, such as national and state payers, in addition to hospital purchasers, etc.

Our service range from TDIs or online communities run remotely to IDIs, and focus groups run on our own premises, centrally located and fully equipped with the latest technologies, such as Focus Vision videostreaming.


Healthcare is the company´s primary specialty. We provide a team of fully qualified bilingual professionals trained in healthcare research, pharmacovigilance requirements and international project management.

Its Senior Project Managers have been trained in major global healthcare forums in which we are actively engaged (EPHMRA, PMRG, PBIRG, etc.).

We cover all critical targets such as HCPs, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, market access national payers and/or hard to reach patients.

Services include:

◆ Online surveys
◆ Mobile surveys
◆ IDIs
◆ TDIs

◆ Focus groups
◆ Own qual facilities with Focus Vision
◆ Online communities