
FINE Exhibits at ESOMAR´s 70-year celebration in Amsterdam. Long Live ESOMAR!

Dalila Antonacachi and Javier Reznik from our PM staff represented FINE at the top industry event of the year: ESOMAR´s 70th anniversary celebration!

To celebrate this leading organization, we published a tribute ad in their Research World magazine.

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FINE presents at IIEX Latin America

IIEx LatAm was held in September 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, over a vibrant 2-day conference, with presenters from LatAm, USA and Europe. Diego Casaravilla (Managing Partner of FINE) presented “Using a digital approach to understand LatAm Physicians and their challenges”. This summarizes The Doctor Voice Project a large survey conducted in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, USA and Canada that shows the main challenges faced by doctors, how the different institutional components of the healthcare system perform, and what are patient´s main hurdles in their treatment journeys. You can download a free copy of The Doctor Voice Report in our “Resources” tab.

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#Standing for Childhood. FINE launches initiative to support Save The Children efforts after Mexican Earthquake.

FINE Research launched a survey in October 2017 inviting its physician panel to collaborate with responses to the emergency in Mexico. For each complete a donation was given to Save The Children and an overwhelming number of 2,600 doctors from 19 countries participated in the survey, in just one week, to support this effort.

The survey covered topics related to the preparation of countries within the Americas to facing natural disasters and, also, a specific chapter about the future of the medicine. Stay tuned to see the results!

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